Who’s That Lady?

  I hope that when you read that title, you immediately heard the above song in your head! I find myself in a very weird place in life. I’m fresh out of university, working two part time jobs, trying to plan my future. And that’s all fine, don’t get me wrong- I am thoroughly enjoying…

5 Products I never use, but can’t seem to part with…

Hello! Welcome back to the small corner of the Internet where the full strangeness of my brain is unleashed. Or, if you’re new here, good luck 😉 A few nights ago, I decided to root through my make up box, in an attempt to downsize my make up collection. I like to go through and…

BOOK REVIEW: the sun and her flowers, by Rupi Kaur

Book Number: 40/40 You read the above correctly- I completed my GoodReads 2017 Challenge- YAY!! Obviously, I’m going to continue book-worming my way into the new year, but I’m so excited that I’ve officially read 40 books and counting. Book number 40 was a special read; this year’s Book Number One was Rupi Kaur’s Milk…

Current Favourites: October 2017

It’s that time once again where I tell you wonderful Internet humans what I have been loving the past wee while. As ever, I format this post a little bit differently to most folks- let me know what you think of this style! WHAT’S ON MY FACE Having two jobs has meant I’ve been stuck…

Snottery and Sertraline-alicious!

Tuesday 10th October, 2017. For the past two weeks, I’ve been sniffly little sausage. My eyes have been itchy, my throat has been croaky, and I have had zero energy. In simple terms, I’ve got (as my daddy would say) ‘A brave dose of the cold’, and it’s resulted in me throwing myself a massive…

Edinburgh 2017- Part Deux!

Well hello there gorgeous humans! Today, I’m going to tell you what we did on the rest of our Edinburgh adventures in September. If you missed the first installment, click here and have a wee read before sinking your teeth into this post. I hope my absolute adoration of this amazing city comes across (I…

September, 2017

How is it actually October?! I think September has flared up some kind of mid, mid-life crisis in me. Or is that a quarter life crisis? WHO EVEN KNOWS?! The past month has flown in, but while it’s been a busy four weeks, there have been lots of nice little moments too. I had a…

Ber in Edinburgh: Part One!

Ah Edinburgh, how I love thee. Last year, le boyf and I spent a magical few days in Scotland’s stunning capital, and we haven’t stopped talking about it since. Seriously, we fell in love with the city, and vowed we would return someday soon. So when Chris and I realised we were working a little…

Knackered, but I have biscuits.

I AM SO TIRED TODAY GUYS. You may have noticed I took a few days off there- I didn’t post anything from Tuesday until today, thus breaking the pretty consistent flow of writing I had going. There are a couple of reasons; firstly, I was away in Edinburgh last weekend (which I’ll be blogging about…